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(From the pdf link to the left)
"The lower floors of Mathison House’s would most certainly fall into the category “the risk is sufficiently low that a FRAEW is not required”, however the upper floor has and MCM panels where the risk to that level may pose a medium risk category, albeit still considering the risk tolerable".
"Will every building require an FRAEW?
All multi-occupied residential buildings with two or more sets of domestic premises now require the Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) required under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (the Fire Safety Order) to include an assessment of their external walls. In many cases, this is will not require a detailed review of their external walls. It should be obvious to a competent fire risk assessor that the risk of fire spread, particularly in buildings with brick or masonry walls, is sufficiently low that an FRAEW is not required. In these cases, the fire risk assessor will normally address compliance of external wall construction with the Fire Safety Order as part of the routine Fire Risk Assessment process.
An FRAEW based on PAS 9980:2022 is applicable where the risk is known, or suspected, to arise from the form of construction used for the external wall build‑up, such as the presence of combustible materials."
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